Thomas Morgan (bass)
Satoshi Takeishi (Percussion, Drums)
YUKARI (flutes)

Trio Synchronic est fondé en 2014 à New York. L’objectif de ce projet est de capturer littéralement le langage musical à un moment donné. La caractéristique du trio Synchronic s’entend dans l’interaction, la recherche constante d’un nouvel élément en repoussant la limite de nous-mêmes et des instruments, en étant séparés de loin, les trois détachés trouvent tout à coup un point de réunification dans la distance, les harmoniques trouvés dans la cacophonie sous-jacente. Un aperçu du monde de l’au-delà pourrait être expérimenté dans ce kaléidoscope sonore en constante évolution entre le bruit coloré et la mélodie sereine, le son et le silence.
Trio Synchronic is founded in 2014 in New York. This goal of this project is to literally capture the musical language at a moment. The characteristic of trio Synchronic is heard in the interplay, constantly searching anew by pushing the boundary of ourselves and the instruments, being apart afar, the detached three find all of a sudden a reunifying point in distance, the harmonized overtones found in underlying cacophony. A glimpse of the world beyond could be experienced in this ever-changing sonic kaleidoscope between colorful noise and serene melody, and sound and silence.
Les Oiseaux
CD “Synchronic” released from QFTF in October 2017.
Music itself may be universal, but the circumstances of its birthplace (or places) so often aren’t. Overt or otherwise, it can be fascinating how those factors don’t just shape a recording, but become vital elements in themselves. There’s no place like home for Yukari Watanabe. In her case that means Brooklyn, where she happily declares that “the impossible became possible” for her. We don’t need to know exactly what that means; this musical portrait of her home is both bouncy and dreamy enough to let us feel her contentment nonetheless.
The flute isn’t the first thing anyone thinks of when imagining the crazy bustle of a place like Brooklyn, but Synchronic isn’t aiming to evoke New York City‘s chaotic side. Yukari and her fellow players are more interested in its arty and classy faces—the kind of neighborhoods that are free-spirited and accepting of the world’s weirdos. The trio format brings the rhythm players’ jazz foundation right in front, while the leader’s sprightly fluttering keeps the overall tone a long way away from familiar or predictable. Even when looping and diving at a busy inner-city pace, the instrument’s airy tone keeps a refreshing lightheartedness throughout.
Despite a few instances of that rapid grooving, the pieces here most often stay in a thoughtful mode—the trio’s interplay is the main thing, and they’re astute enough to make the improvised pieces almost sound composed. Thomas Morgan and Satoshi Takeishi made beautifully adept partners in this quirky dance. The three sometimes flit around each other crazily, other times sedately drifting or zigzagging like leisurely butterflies. It’s an unfamiliar sound and unconventional lineup, and in these hands the results come out invitingly bright and playful.
-All About Jazz
YUKARI With THOMAS MORGAN / SATOSHI TAKEISHI – Synchronic (QFTF 025; Earth) Featuring Yukari on flute, alto & bass flutes, Thomas Morgan on contrabass and Satoshi Takeishi on drums & percussion. The last time we heard from Japanese flutist, Yukari, was in 2011, when she played at DMG and left us with a couple of her fine CD’s. In the past Yukari has worked with Ben Monder, Carlo Costa and Greg Osby. She has been living in Brooklyn for the past 13 years and considers this disc to be a snapshot of Brooklyn. Yukari here works with a formidable Downtown rhythm team, the ubiquitous Thomas Morgan (for Bill Frisell, David Binney, Scott DuBois & Paul Motian) and restless drummer, Satoshi Takeishi (Michael Attias, Erik Friedlander & Patrick Zimmerli). I just caught Satoshi Takeishi last night with Gordon Grdina at Cornelia St., reminding me once again of what an important part he is of the Downtown Scene.
This first thing I noticed about this disc is how well it is recorded, a perfectly balanced well-recorded trio. On the opening track, “Les Oiseaux”, the trio is swinging hard, effortlessly with a joyous, uplifting vibe. On the title track, Yukari, sails along with the strong, skeletal rhythm section. The is a robust, dynamic and powerful trio and they work strongly together. From what I can half of these songs were written by Ms. Yukari, the rest improvised by the trio. For many years, I thought that Nicole Mitchell’s trio with Harrison Bankhead & Hamid Drake were the best flute trio anywhere. This trio can certainly give them a run for their money. Thomas Morgan’s powerful bass is often at the center of many of the pieces, spinning a web, casting a spell, never playing too many or two few notes to keep this trio perfectly balanced. There are a few pieces where we can here what sounds like fragments of written parts. There are some pieces which stand out, like “363”, where Yukari overdubs a couple of complex flute lines near the end. No matter how free certain pieces appear to be, there is something magical that keeps this trio consistently focused, playing as one force of nature. In the past year, DMG has had performances by master flutists: Robert Dick and Jim Denley, as well as an especially great set from Nicole Mitchell (w/ Joelle Leandre & Melanie Dyer) at the Vision Fest. Once we get to hear a set from Yukari, we will have seen & heard the best flutists of the current creative scene. Lucky us!
– Bruce Lee Gallanter, DMG July 2018
Die japaniche Flötistin Yukari hat 13 Jahre in Brooklyn gelebt und dort mit Musikern wie Ben Monder, Gerald Cleaver oder Anthony Braxton zusammengespielt. Nun ist sie in die Schweiz gezogen und wirft mit “Synchronic” noch einmal einen Blick zurück. An ihrer Seite sind der Schlagzeuger Satoshi Takeishi und der Bassist Thoms Morgan, die beide einen schlanken Sound bevorzugen und der Musik viel Platz zum Atmen lassen.Das bewährt sich, auch wenn es einmal – wie im furiosen “Hurricane” – hektisch wird. Yukari bewahrt auch im wildesten Geschehen die Ruhe und bläst ihre diversen Flöten (neben der üblichen Querflöte zum Einsatz) mit klarem Ton und stilsicherem Gestaltungswillen. Die Hälfte der Stücke hat die Flötistin geschrieben, die andere Hälfte sind freie Improvisationen, die bei der Session im Park West Studio in Brooklyn aus dem Moment heraus entstanden sind.
-Jazzthing &blue rhythm
Yukari ist eine Neuschweizerin, die Japanerin ist vor night allzu langer Zeit in die Schweiz gezogen. Davor lebte sie 13 Jahre in Brooklyn, und “Synchronic” ist eine Hommage und ein musikalischer Schnappschuss des New Yorker Stadtteils. Zusammen mit dem den musikalischen Weggefährten, dem Bassisten Thomas Morgan und dem Schlagzeuger Satoshi Takeishi hat Yukari eine interessante Klangsprache gefunden. Mit grossem klassischen Ton und virtuosen Läufen bewegt sich die Flötistin leichtfüssig durch die zehn Stücke, die zu einem grossen Teil spontan improvisiert sind. Mit C-Flöte, Altoflöte und Bassquerflöte liegt ein grosses Klangspektrum vor, und Yukari versteht es, die modernen Spieltechniken der Flöte gut in einen improvisierten Kontext zu bringen. Auffällig sind die grossen, ungewöhnlichen Intervallsprünge in den Kkompositionen. Das Stück “Hurricane” zum Beispiel verhält sich wie ein solcher, der durch die Band und aus den Lautsprechern wirbelt. “Ocean Avenue” lässt die CD dann ganz ruhig ausgleiten, Yukaris Bassflöte fliesst hier ganz ruhig dahin.
-Angela Ballhorn, Jazz’n’More